How to Use AI to Find and Create Trending Posts on LinkedIn

    ·May 19, 2024
    ·4 min read

    Leveraging artificial intelligence to create trending posts on LinkedIn can significantly enhance your social media presence and engagement. By understanding the type of content that performs well on LinkedIn and applying these insights, you can craft compelling posts that resonate with your audience. This article will guide you through finding and creating trending posts on LinkedIn using AI, with a special mention of GlobalGPT, a tool that can aid in this process.

    Finding Trending Content

    To create posts that trend on LinkedIn, you first need to identify what type of content is currently performing well. Here's how you can do it using AI:

    Sign Up on Taplio

    Taplio is a powerful tool that helps you discover viral content on LinkedIn. Start by signing up for a free trial on the Taplio website.

    Explore Viral Content

    Once you're logged in, navigate to the left sidebar and click on "Viral content". This section allows you to browse through posts that have gone viral, giving you a clear idea of what kind of content resonates with LinkedIn users. You can apply various filters to refine your search and focus on specific topics or industries.

    Creating Your Own Trending Posts

    After identifying the type of content that trends on LinkedIn, it's time to create your own posts. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    Generate Content Ideas

    Based on your research, brainstorm ideas that align with the trending topics. For instance, if posts about leadership tips are trending, you can craft a unique angle or share personal insights on the subject.

    Write Your Post

    Navigate to the left sidebar on Taplio and click "Write a post". In the text box on the right, start drafting your post. To enhance your writing, click on the purple bolt icon. This will open a drop-down menu where you can use AI to generate the rest of your post or improve your existing text.

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    Utilizing GlobalGPT

    GlobalGPT is an excellent tool for generating high-quality content tailored to your LinkedIn audience. Here’s how you can use GlobalGPT effectively:

    1. Content Generation: GlobalGPT can help you generate the bulk of your content based on the topic you’ve chosen. Simply provide a brief input, and the AI will create a detailed and engaging post for you. For example, you might input, "Leadership tips for 2024," and GlobalGPT will generate a comprehensive post on this topic.

    2. Content Enhancement: If you already have a draft, GlobalGPT can improve it by suggesting more engaging language, refining the structure, and adding relevant keywords to boost visibility.

    3. Idea Expansion: If you're stuck on a particular point, GlobalGPT can provide additional insights or examples to flesh out your post. For instance, if you’re discussing leadership skills, the AI can suggest specific habits or anecdotes that make your post more relatable and actionable.

    Optimize Your Post

    When writing, ensure your content is:

    • Engaging: Use a conversational tone and ask questions to prompt engagement.

    • Value-Driven: Share actionable insights, tips, or valuable information.

    • Visually Appealing: Include images, infographics, or videos to enhance the visual appeal of your post.

    Schedule Your Post

    After crafting your post, you can schedule it for optimal times when your audience is most active. On Taplio, you can do this by clicking "Add to Queue". This ensures your post goes live at a time when it’s most likely to be seen and engaged with.

    Maximizing Your LinkedIn Impact

    Using AI tools like Taplio and GlobalGPT can significantly enhance your ability to create trending posts on LinkedIn. By understanding what type of content performs well and applying these insights, you can craft engaging posts that resonate with your audience. This approach not only increases your visibility but also positions you as a thought leader in your industry.

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